The youth wing of Vishwamangalya Sabha has been created to work amongst the Girl Students of India and tap their potential to become worthy future citizens of India. Vishwamangalya Chhatra Sabha is a non-political organisation. We believe that each girl student carries within her the prospect of effecting global good. We are fortunate that India has the largest powerhouse of youth which will be the strong pillars of our age old family structure, diverse social fabric, rich cultural heritage and sense of nationhood.
The focus of Chhatra Sabha is to imbibe values of duty, patriotism, personality development. It also strives to instill in the young women the cultural confidence and capacity to maintain balance between scientific development and conservation of traditional values and customs. Chhatra Sabha aims at fostering good values, righteousness, idealism and cultural pride in each and every youth of India.
Chhatra Sabha is working relentlessly with this panoramic objective in social and educational sectors. Each and every women in the world and in India can accomplish her role of executing tasks of global grandeur with proper inspiration and motivation.
A women is a future mother who has the divine power to transform this earth into a heaven. This Shakti constitutes half of the world population. This divine power in women can contribute immensely in imparting nation building, preservation of culture, lessons of sacrifice, importance of social and familial bonds, values,national pride, bravery,valour and love to our existent traditions and-ethics.
It is these traditions replete with such gems of attributes that Chhatra Sabha perseveres to not only keep alive but also enriched with each inspired girl student and future. mother adding her own special contribution to the prime task of nation building.